Horror short Inner Devils completed principal photography in May 2022 and is now in post-production. Written and directed by Martin Smith of Black Dust Films, Inner Devils is produced in...
Slow Horses aired on Apple TV+ from April 1st 2022, starring Gary Oldman as Jackson Lamb. Based on the novel of the same name, the series follows a team of...
Bollywood film Bell Bottom was released worldwide on August 19th, 2021, and on Amazon Prime the following month. Inspired by true events, the film follows an undercover agent (played by Akshay...
After endless lockdowns, Kal Sabir was delighted to be back in a creative space with Ed Littlewood Productions for a rehearsed reading of Mirandolina, an adaptation by Tony Cownie and Taqi...
Ramesh Meyyappan is a Glasgow-based deaf theatre maker, director, and actor. He creates theatre using a diverse mix of visual and physical styles. Ramesh was interviewed by BBC's Loop about...
Violence against shopkeepers and staff is real and can have a lasting impact. Crimestoppers Scotland have launched a new campaign to encourage the public to report such aggression. Kal Sabir's...
Eat Me is Kal Sabir's entry for the Raindance Lockdown Lover Short Film Competition. Valentine's Day is approaching. What is it like for lovers in lockdown? This film is a nod...
Get more with FreeAgent, accounting software designed specifically for the UK’s smallest businesses. Kal Sabir spent a fun day of filming in Edinburgh with Freak Films, including strict COVID safety...
Kal Sabir has wrapped on Bollywood film Bell Bottom starring Akshay Kumar. Filming took place in London and Glasgow. A rollercoaster spy thriller set during the 1980s , Bell Bottom...
Kal Sabir is working on Bollywood film Bell Bottom, starring Akshay Kumar and Huma Qureshi, and directed by Ranjit Tewari. Produced by Emmay Entertainment, Bell Bottom is a roller-coaster spy ride...
Mary Queen of Scots has been released in the UK today. Starring Saoirse Ronan as Mary and Margot Robbie as Elizabeth. The young Mary Stuart returns to Scotland to reclaim...
Mary Queen of Scots received it's European Premiere at Cineworld, Leicester Square, in London on Monday 10th December, 2018. In attendance on the red carpet were: Saiorse Ronan, Margot Robbie,...
BBC series Armchair Detectives won a Scottish BAFTA for Best Entertainment Programme 2018. Producers Carly Brooks and Daniel Twist were in attendance to collect the award, as was host Susan...
The second international trailer for Mary, Queen of Scots has been released. In UK cinemas January 2019. Cast includes: Soairse Ronan, Margot Robbie, James McArdle, Adrien Lester, Guy Pearce, Martin...
The first trailer for Mary, Queen of Scots has been released. Mary Stuart's attempt to overthrow her cousin Elizabeth I, Queen of England, finds her condemned to years of imprisonment...