Producing ‘Eat Me’

‘Eat Me‘ is my entry for the Raindance Lockdown Lovers Short Film Contest. The rules: A 60 second film; must be COVID safe; includes a wide shot; feature lovers under lockdown. Sounds easy? Raindance Contest Raindance, based in London, hold short film contests. There’s usually a brief and a related hashtag, such as #SixtySociallyDistancedSeconds or […]

The Ching Room

The Ching Room is Alan Bissett‘s compelling debut play, set entirely in a nightclub toilet. Presented by Theatre Revolution, Rory (Kal Sabir) realises he is out of his depth once he becomes trapped by the terrifying and enigmatic drug-dealer, Darren (Dickson Telfer). Directed by Iain McAleese, rehearsals began in December 2014, with a first showing […]